Friday, September 5, 2008

Hiding In my Own House...

This girl just randomly came to my house & professed her love for me so I grabbed my laptop & told her I had the runs. I really haven't been doing a great job lately with keeping this due to the hectic pace my life has been going. Like before, here is a giant update of whats been going on...

1. Arnold Swartzenager keeps Terminating: After losing my job in the mortgage industry, I ended up getting a job with the Department of Motor Vehicles as a DRIVING INSTRUCTOR out of all things. If my former employer saw how I drove (inebriated) outside of work, SMH. Anyways, Arnie wouldn't sign the budget causing workers in certain government departments (i.e. DMV) to either resign or accept minimum wage $7.50??? Peace, another victim of The Terminator.

2. Brother Gets Married: Shittttt! Takes the pressure from my parents off of me...

3. New Job!: Once I got over the thrill of being laid off, I decided to shoot my resume out on Monster, after a couple of "modifications" it was ready to go & I began to field offers from prospective employers leading to a call from company X, (I'll be dammed if I reveal where I work after all my exploits I've posted here.) who interviewed me thrice & gave me the green light & telling me that I'd be going thru a three week training period in one of their off site facilities. No problem, I'm thinking I'll be driving just a little out of the way, boy was I wrong. Training was in Berlin...

3. Berlin, Germany. R-Kelly's Playground: Germany was crazy but all I'ma say is I was at the club & I had a 16 year old buy me a beer!?! I don't know if that was OK but it was mad minors in the spot. Anyways, the beer might of led to more than that, might haven't, I'm not trying to be the 2008 Roman Polanski...

Other than that, I've started my new career & so far I'm loving it. I've been sleeping like a newborn everyday after work but was rudely interrupted by someone who apparently loves me. I'll probably have another update on this B.S.


Monday, September 1, 2008

I Just Flew In From Germany...

And boy are my arms tired!

It's been a crazy couple of weeks, I started a new job & training was in Berlin so I've been there for what seems like forever. I'm on my was to a BBQ but will have a full rundown later. Good to be home tho.